police units


Front line, uniformed officers in patrol vehicles, responding to emergency/non-emergency calls for service. These officers pro-actively patrol the City 24/7 and often take on other responsibilities such as Forensics, Firearms Instructor, Breathalyzer Technician, Officer Safety Instructor, Mountain Bike Duty, Drone Pilot and more.

Every summer, one of North Americas largest Country Music Festivals (Big Valley Jamboree), takes place in the City of Camrose with over 20,000 visitors, doubling the size of our City. Our officers take pride in ensuring a safe environment for all involved.


Our Traffic/K-9 unit is a dual purpose position which not only creates an efficiency, it allows us to articulate and rationalize a resource such as a K-9. As a smaller agency, it can be difficult to justify a “stand-alone” unit such as K-9.  Having the responsibility of Traffic Safety as well, ensures our officers have a K-9 resource when needed and provides the community with enhanced service delivery.  The Camrose Police Service K-9 unit hosted the 2022 National Police K-9 Championships as well!

School Resource Officer

School Resource Officer (SRO)

Our SRO services all 10 schools within the City of Camrose, kindergarten to Grade 12.   This position is critical in providing support to our school staff, students and parents alike. Alleviating many calls for service that would have gone to a patrol unit, the SRO builds relationships within the school community and beyond, providing a service that benefits both the community and our organization. The C.O.R.E. program was developed locally by our own SRO and is currently delivered to grades 3, 6 and 9.    Designed to replace the aging DARE program, the CORE program received national recognition in the “Blue Line” magazine and received an award from the Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police.

Police & Crisis Team (PACT)

The PACT team consists of a sworn police officer, partnered up with a mental health nurse (AHS). This team identifies people in the community that are experiencing mental health issues, via a call for service through our 911 Centre, or referred by a patrol constable. This duo engages and intervenes with the vulnerable sector, proactively following up to help prevent these issues from evolving into a crisis.  This also diverts many calls for service from escalating into a patrol response.

Police & Crisis Team

MAJOR Crimes Unit

This covert, plainclothes unit is comprised of 4 officers and a civilian crime analyst. Their mandate is to investigate crimes that are higher in priority due to their seriousness or impact to the community.  These crimes can include robberies, sexual assaults, homicides and drug trafficking among others.